Nice Rugby World Cup 2023

General Information

How to get there

By plane to Nice Côte d’Azur Airport. Full list of destinations can be found here.

By train to Gare Nice Ville. Main connection by TGV from Paris – Gare de Lyon (5 to 6h depending on number of stops).

Drive times between Host Cities

Map France Drive

Matches in Nice

Not to miss in Nice

To help you navigate the city we have put together a google map which includes the very best of bars, restaurants, hotels and much more in the city!

The map can be overlaid to your own device! Simply open it in full screen mode and add it to your favourites!

We will continue to add locations to the map in the coming months and these updates will automatically sync to your device when you refresh.

Make sure to visit the pages of the other host cities that you will be visiting and download all of the localized maps!